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I will always remember the graciousness of simply responding. And yes I still have the emails that came and went afterwards. Even letting me know when I sent him a funny joke and how he appreciated that.
Ultimately, his vision, combined with the products Apple created inspired me to tap into the creative part of me. But even more, Steve provided everyone the opportunity to do something great and in doing so, change the world.
We've lost a great one. Memory by Kitka Oct 7, 2011 I am new to the community of Apple product enthusiasts, having just taken the plunge and gotten my first MacBook Pro about half a year ago. All that admiration from afar of the Steve Jobs universe finally caught up with me, and the timing was right, so I--a humble non-techie--went and made the move.
I am thrilled with my machine. It is indeed a work of art in every aspect.
Mr Jobs' drive, nerve, intellect, foresight, perfectionism, aesthetic, showmanship, and sense of fun in relation to humans and technology--these are all I know of him. Is it any wonder that such qualities would strongly attract even my modest sort to the fruit of his team's many labors?
That combination of qualities, in the unique measure that constituted Mr Jobs' makeup, inevitably set him far apart from the rest of us. I feel fortunate to have lived in the era of a productive dreamer who inspired as he did, and as he will do far beyond the span of a single lifetime.
May his spirit continue to soar, unfettered now by the trappings and vexations of the human form.
And may his family and friends know peace in a difficult time; may they come to find increasing comfort in their memories of this remarkable man who was, for a time, their own.
Memory by lac1 Oct 7, 2011 Csak az hal meg, akit elfelednek. Memory by Gregory Oct 6, 2011 It's all about leading change. Steve did that! Memory by Genevieve Oct 6, 2011 Steve Jobs was amazing and still is. He will be remembered for ever by creating a new world of technology. The world will never be the same. I remember when i got my first Mac computer, it was amazing. And then i recently go an iPhone and a iPad 2. They are incredible inventions and ideas that Steve jobs was responsible for. R.I.P Steve Jobs Memory by Сергей Рябов Oct 6, 2011 Светлая память величайшему из наших современников! Самые искренние соболезнования родным и близким этого замечательного человека, ГЕНИЯ, всегда стоящего на переднем крае прогресса! Memory by Cергей Oct 6, 2011 Мы тебя любим Memory by Yuri Belogortsev Oct 6, 2011 Rest in piece, Steve. You tried to make this world a bit better. God Bless You in your new life. Memory by Саттаров Руслан Oct 6, 2011 Соболезнования всем кто почитал, знал, слышал о Стиве. Светлая память ему. Он был человек-гений. Memory by Sarah Oct 6, 2011 My first SE 30, the computer that lit the spark for me, I have never looked back. Thank you Steve, may you rest in peace. Memory by Владимир Oct 6, 2011 Именно такие люди, как Стив меняют нашу жизнь, наше отношение к жизни. Он человек будущего - так как приблизил это будущее к нам своими достижениями, идеями, поступками .... Пусть земля тебе будет пухом .... Memory by Анатолий Oct 5, 2011 Человек, изменивший мир, не может умереть. Он жив в своих делах, в ваших iPod, iPhone и iPad... Спасибо, Стив. Memory by Евгений Oct 5, 2011 Очень сожалею. Пусть земля будет пухом... Memory by Maria Oct 5, 2011 Thank you for creating such an amazing world for all of us. I could never imagine that it is possible to become an Apple addict just.... in 3 seconds after getting my MacBook Pro out of the package. And - it was real!
The world could not forget you. Memory by David Rhodes Oct 5, 2011 Thank you Mr. Jobs for everything you have done. I learned how to use a computer on your Apples in the 90s. I will never forget you. RIP. Memory by Rupert Malone Oct 5, 2011 BBC obit for Steve: Memory by PamC Oct 5, 2011 My husband at the time was a Mac addict. I believe Steve Jobs will be in heaven. God Bless his family during this transitional time and know that Steve is healed and will welcome you with open arms when the time is right and that he will be with you always God Bless Memory by Rod Miiller Oct 5, 2011 Steve was the lone wolf in the world of HP and IBM. There was just two intelligent college age nerds who changed the way we communicate. Thank you Steve for the personal computer. Memory by Adam Oct 5, 2011 Steve was a real hero to me. A visionary and an individual who comes along once in a lifetime. He had a tremendous influence on my life and gave me not only the means to create, but something to strive for. Memory by tim Oct 5, 2011 Memory by Simon Oct 5, 2011 I remember lining up to wait for my turn on the 1 apple mac the college I went to way back in about 1991 or something like that. We all had to sign a book for 1 hour chunks of time.
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