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In Remembrance of Dale Clifford Harris

14 August, 1989 ~ 1 August, 2014
Barnsley, United Kingdom

Dale Clifford Harris, was a 24 year old solider, he was also a loving daddy, son, husband, brother, uncle, friend, and a pleasure to know. He was a happy go lucky laid back la... Read more >
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Message from carly Harris (wife)

" Me (Carly Harris), was only Dales wife for a limited amount of years, but enough years to know we would have been together forever. we traveled, moved houses, countys even countrys. we had 2 beautifull girls, Lexy-kye age 5 and Lola-mae age 2. He dodted on his children. He has made a gap in my heart that cannot ever be filled. He left behind heartbroken faily and friends. I am re hourned to have spent the years i did with him, my husband, my best friend & now my guardian angel, bless him. "ya loved" clifford long time xxx
Loved You Yesturday,
Love You Still,
Always Have,
Always Will
Yours forever your loving wife carly mmmmwwwwa"

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